
musical academy

Associazione Culturale

Apart from the organization of cultural events and projects, the activity of the Cultural Association D.G.M.A. includes piano and composition classes and creative music workshops, held at the Association head office in Riccione.
Piano Courses

"Thou hast taught us to see with our ears and hear with our heart"
(K. Gibran

Composition Courses

“The earth has music for those who listen"



Premamusica is a DGMA laboratory aimed at pregnant women and new mothers. They can learn to recognize and understand the communication with their child through the music principles, the use of musical language and the human voice. These are known as the first steps in learning and stimulating the creative capacity of the child, that can then be developed particularly in first months of his life.

Musicalila© e Coloralila©

The seven stages of MusicaLila © show to the child a world to explore, seven stages as the seven notes of the musical scale and seven notes as the stages of a communication skills development through music learning. The children learn to:
-listen (listening is a key element for an inner and external communication as well as a requirement for the general learning process);
- recognize and work on the human body sounds and on the first musical instrument: the human voice;
- recognize and work on the sounds of nature;
- recognize and work on the materials sounds (i.e. paper, wood, plastic, iron, etc..) and musical instruments, also through the recycling of materials. - build a musical instrument with recycled materials and learn how to use it. - recognize the sounds as an expressive symbol for describing pictures, fairy tales, dreams;
- the names of the seven musical notes.

Since the first stage of learning is imitation, this seven stages path helps the child to assimilate what he discovered, as a hidden treasure to be kept and developd. Sound is also expressed through gestures and creative ways belonging to visual arts and dance, this is why the knowledge process of the first seven stages becomes a path through the Arts. This experience helps combining assimilation and integration: MusicaLila presents ©ColoraLila.

The idea and aim of ColoraLila © is to introduce children to learning activities that can stimulate creativity (as a tool for problem-solving: creativity should help the child overcoming the lack of confidence in himself and lead him through the phases of growth) and make him an autonomous adult.
Active learning provides the child the ability to understand music, in this case, but it should apply to all disciplines and all levels of school education - with the help of elements provided by other disciplines – role play learning, analogies and examples. Sounds and colors are two physical phenomena with some common features and the same roots.
During the ColoraLila © sessions, the child is introduced to the relations between those two physical phenomena belonging to two different dimensions of reality, that we face every day of our life: time and space.
©ColoraLila will interact with ©MusicaLila.
- Primary and secondary colors
- The wheel of colors - White light and Orchestral Sound;
- Color and space - positive and negative, concave and convex, pause and sound;
- The tactile scale - from rough to smooth (type of sound);
- The chromatic scale;
- The materials scale;
- Art Composition: the first steps to create;

Other informations on request.
Every session is characterized by the use of watercolors.

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